The Igla system secures your car against key cloning, key theft and car hacking. The Igla system has no key-fobs or LED indications to give away its locations. Instead, it uses the buttons built into your car, such as those on the steering wheel, center console, or other systems build into the car to allow you to create a unique PIN code sequence that must be entered to disarm the system before the car will start.
You will create your custom PIN code for added security. Don’t worry if you forget your PIN, a button is broken or you sell your car, a secure emergency PIN code that is unique to each device can be used to reset the system. The system is undetectable using traditional car theft methods. It doesn’t have any LED indicators and operates silently using the on-board CAN data network. In addition, there are no circuit cuts during installation and fitting that would allow thieves to detect it using diagnostic tools. Thieves cannot use RF scanning or code-grabbing technology to intercept and detect the security system.
There is also a mobile phone application that connects to your car and allows you to start and drive the car without the need to enter the PIN code. This app allows a single, authorized smartphone that is connected with a secure pairing code that is unique to each device. Communication between the Igla system and phone is fully encrypted.
Installation and fitting is also low-impact and hassle-free thanks to the system making use of the vehicle’s own CAN Data Network.
Compatible with a wide range of vehicles, including Dodge, Toyota, Ford, Kia, Jeep, Hyundai, Mercedes, Land Rover, Audi, BMW, Range Rover, Jaguar, and many others.
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